HP Innovation Journal Issue 10: Fall 2018 | Page 14

OneLife is an HP concept that guides how we think about, design and deliver new products. We focus on delivering dependable mobility, constant connectivity and powerful devices with sleek designs. TECHNOLOGY SERVING EVERY PART OF OUR LIVES WORKING FROM ANYWHERE, ANYTIME Technology enables us to do our jobs, collaborate with others and focus on things that are critical to our productivity. Technology at home allows us to connect with others, carry out everyday tasks and satisfy our need for entertainment. Work is no longer a place you go to; it’s just a thing you do. Today we can’t think about work as a physical place, but instead, as an activity that is interspersed in our day. In 2016, in fact, 30 to 40% 2 of workers telecommuted for at least some portion of their workweek. Our current expectations for these devices are created by past experiences. Historically, it was expected that a personal computer (PC) would take several minutes to start up and would last only a few hours. We were all okay with a PC’s imperfect display and poor sound because we didn’t expect anything else. Once the smartphone was widely adopted, we expected all our devices to turn on immediately and last all day. Now we also expect TV-level resolution and amazing sound. And those expectations follow us throughout the day. At home, most electronics are wireless, and if there are cords, they’re hidden. Home technology is designed to look more like a work of art. This expectation of technology has become commonplace. At work, we expect technology to offer us an even better experience than we have at home. And at home, according to comScore, over 50% of searches are now done with our voice instead of our fingers. Due to that rapid adoption, we asked, why not combine the voice search and stationary devices into something that’s more functional and adapted to our new behaviors? That’s why we were the first to put Alexa on a PC .1 Innovation Journal Issue Ten Gone is the Monday through Friday, 8-to-5 work schedule. The increase in millennials and Generation Zers in the workforce is leading us to a separation of home and work different than it was 15 t0 20 years ago. We now live an ever- connected lifestyle, where we can work anywhere, anytime. This idea has profound implications for the products and services we provide—what we make, how we make it and what we enable. We recently announced our G5 EliteBook 800 mobile workstations. These PCs excel as commercial and consumer devices. The durable laptops include an award-winning aluminum design, increased screen size and eighth- generation Intel vPro processors, and are the first laptops to include a noise-canceling, world-facing microphone, making collaboration easier. Collaboration is already an integral aspect of work. Due to rapid prototyping and innovation cycles, collaboration is essential, and its importance will only continue to grow. As the gig economy expands, there will be more freelancers and less office space dedicated to full-time employees. Workers will need devices and services that move seamlessly between their home life and job. We’ve also transformed how we design our products at HP, viewing technology as an aspect of fashion. The PC you pull out at your local coffee shop has badge value. It has emotional meaning. If employees are given clunky and unattractive devices, they’ll never use them. Instead, they’ll use their