HP Innovation Journal Issue 03: Summer 2016 | Page 17
enough for the ultra-informed, new school
customer. They rely less on direct marketing
messages, and more on crowdsourced opinion:
reviews, recommendations, and thought leader-
ship. If you are not present and active in the social
space, you’ll be outsold. The good news is that
by building an active digital presence now, HP
and partners are forging connections with highly
engaged customers, pre-, during, and post-sale.
This will help customers and partners accelerate
their growth today—and in the AI and bot-driven
world of tomorrow.
HP has launched the Social Media Center—
our commitment to ensuring that partners and
customers connect in this vibrant marketplace.
It’s an offering unmatched elsewhere in the
industry: a rich resource to help partners increase
their visibility and reputation online.
In the initial U.S. pilot program for HP Social
Media Center, one partner reported a 400 percent
increase in customer impressions (from 4,000 to
16,000), and more than 2000 new profile views
in less than a month. This is a great result for the
partner—but also for customers, who can more
easily find trusted partners and solutions to their
biggest challenges.
channels. It spans four key areas of focus:
mobility, security, education, and healthcare.
There is both industry and HP specific content,
in materials that include white papers, business
cases, customer stories, infographics and articles
that partners can use to showcase their expertise
and the power of HP solutions.
Training modules are provided to equip the
partner with advice on how to build a community
of followers, and what kinds of content are most
effective. Using the training, a partner can go
from baseline social media know-how to being
self-sufficient after a quarter, with additional
assistance available from HP as needed. Partners
access the HP Social Media Center through the
HP Sales Central portal.
Social media interaction offers a new way
for customers to engage with HP through the
partner community. We’ve entered a new era of
selling that is far less product focused, and more
about the solution and business outcome that
best serves the customer. By driving this more
engaged and collaborative business environment,
HP believes the future of business will benefit
partners and customers alike.
Vincent Brissot as Global Head of
Channel Marketing, drives the planning,
development and execution of HP’s
marketing initiatives with HP’s channel
partners community. This includes
channel marketing programs, Market
Development Funds (MDF), campaigns
and metrics.
Valuable content for social media
novices and pros
HP Social Media Center is a reservoir of curated
content that partners can publish to their own
Dawn of time
1.3 – 1.8M yrs. ago
Homo Sapiens
Early 20 century
Alexander Graham
Bell’s first successful
experiment with the
Mid 20 century
ARPANET’s successful
demonstration at the
International Computer
21 century
Negotiation planning:
an AI approach —
Potential daily
digital engagement
activated by the
Post/Tweet a day
Until the 20th century, the nature of trade didn’t evolve dramatically. Sales was face-to-face and real time, from
seal skins to encyclopedias. Transportation accelerated the process, and telephones allowed live conversations
to compliment face-to-face. The internet ushered in our current era of screen-to-screen business interaction,
the first true disruption of face-to-face selling. And we’re well on our way to automating sales and negotiation
processes through the use of bots and AI.
Issue 3 · Summer 2016 · Innovation Journal 17