HP Innovation Journal Issue 03: Summer 2016 | Page 10
HP Indigo WS6800p Digital Press—a simplex web solution enabling high-quality applications such as book covers, lay-flat photo books, cut-sheet photo products, and more
of supervising the job on the shop floor—a real
quantifiable improvement in quality of life.
era of communications. This includes printing
different types of jobs, on a wide range of me-
dia, using high-quality images—from flyers, to
photobooks and point of sales materials.
This is not surprising as the HP Indigo 10000
series is one of the leading digital presses in
commercial printing with millions of pages
produced every week. 1 Based on HP ElectroInk
technology introduced back in 1993, this dig-
ital press enables use of special inks, custom
colors and varied print materials that improve
HP Indigo started the digital revolution in
package printing and has now become the
industry benchmark. Advanced automation
HP PageWide Web Press T1100S
and sophisticated color matching make it fast
and easy to provide leading brands with the
transforms high-quality
extreme accuracy, consistency and repeatability
corrugated printing
they require across a broad range of package
On retail shelves, corrugated boxes are liter-
types and sizes.
ally meeting consumers “face-to-face”. While
Conventional flexographic label printing
this is driven by today’s demand for more
requires time consuming plate creation and
vivid, eye-catching packaging, it is also supply
mounting. Since it is an analog process using
chain economics that
fixed plates, it is most
requires printing short
suitable for printing tens
runs, multiple versions
of thousands of copies
with super-fast turn-
of the same label. This
around—all with low to
works fine as long as the
zero inventory.
market is satisfied with
The HP PageWide
limited changes to label
T1100S is enabling
design and retail brands
the way brands reach
are willing to warehouse
consumers through
large quantities of excess
impactful, relevant and
labels required to make
high-resolution images.
the flexographic process
Retail boxes now require
cost effective.
high quality engaging
It does not, however,
graphics representing a In Israel, Diet Coke is embarking on a fun new packaging stunt, using HP Indigo digital printing technology
answer today’s demand
significant growth op- to create millions of completely unique labels
for changing designs,
portunity for the digitally-enabled corrugated quality and consistency to deliver the emotional multiple versions and fast turnaround on exact
response demanded by international brands.
quantities. Only digital printing provides an an-
swer for modern-day label printing challenges.
HP Indigo 12000 Digital Press
HP Indigo 8000 Digital Press
Demand for short run lengths, integration of
personalized designs and multiple product
changes the meaning of
lets digital label printing go
versions can only be printed cost effectively
commercial printing
using digital print solutions.
The HP Indigo 12000 Digital Press has the Just look around the super market or the phar-
The latest HP Indigo digital label presses are
potential to replace traditional “offset” printing. macy and you will understand why packaging so fast, that they can bring all the benefits of
Digital printing is the only way to deliver to is seen as the next big frontier for digital print. digital print combined with mainstream speed
customers exactly what they want in the new
and reliability. In some cases, this impressive
1 GSB Market Share Report IDC Tracker Q4 2014
10 Innovation Journal · Issue 3 · Summer 2016