HP Innovation Journal Issue 13: Winter 2019 | Page 8
The Outlook
Kim Rivera, president of strategy and business management
and chief legal officer, reveals the basic building blocks of how
HP will transform as a company and as a workforce.
May you live in interesting times, goes an apocryphal
Chinese curse, and ours is nothing if not interesting.
Businesses of all sizes, from across industries, are racing
to meet their customers where they are and to speak
their digital language of choice.
Our future success depends on a coherent, connected
digital capability to achieve the speed and deliver the expe-
rience HP’s customers, partners, and employees expect.
Luckily, HP is no stranger to reinvention and identified
what we need to do. Three pillars make up the future of
strategy development and digital transformation:
First and foremost, we must focus on how we serve our
high-value customers. We know that delivering a seam-
less customer experience, especially at the most critical
points along the customer journey, is key to capturing
and retaining customers. Sixty-seven percent of cus-
tomers will pay more for a great experience, up to 16%
more over the current price. They are almost three times
more likely to return. And a bad customer experience
causes 32% to leave after that bad experience. We need to
provide an unparalleled customer experience in order to
retain the high-value customer.
HP Innovation Journal Issue 13