HP Innovation Journal Issue 09: Spring 2018 | Page 11

J O N ATH A N B R I LL G lo b al Futurist a n d Re se a rch D ire c to r fo r Te chVisio n a n d M e gatre n ds , H P VI K TO R S H KO LN I KOV Re se a rch Engin e e r, H P L a bs J I M S TA S IA K D isting uish e d Te ch n olo gist, 3 D Printing B usin e ss , H P This is the first in an in-depth series exploring the converging technologies and Megatrends that will drive greater production and efficiency in our resource- constrained world. BioConvergence As was discussed in “When Trends Converge: 2018 HP Megatrends Report” in this issue, we are seeing an increas- ing strain put on our natural and labor resources. As we look towards 2030 and beyond, it’s apparent we need to approach how we design and manufacture products in significantly different ways to overcome these resource constraints. This will require exploring new materials that offer greater efficiencies imploring new processes that support the design and production of these materials, and transforming manufacturing and the supply chain. As we look at how to create this efficient future, we need to look no further than to Mother Nature for inspiration. Nature is inherently extremely efficient, defect tolerant, and is capable of correcting errors on-the-fly. Efficiency is not just about reduction, it’s also about adaptation and resil- ience. It’s about embracing change, understanding it and adapting to it. It’s about doing more with less. Take, for example, a 300-foot redwood tree, which can move water and nutrients from deep in the ground, through its trunk, out and up its bark and leaves via its nutrient transport system. That same principle is being applied to energy resourcing efforts used to harness chemical potential 1 energy —which is generated as a result of the concentration gradient in places where freshwater meets dense salt water, as it does along coastlines all over the world. Or think about how birds outperform other flying animals in efficiency and duration, with lightweight and aerodynamic wings and feathers. The hollowness of their bones, rather than making them fragile, actually makes them more resilient and efficient. We see a reflection of this in the way 3D-printed materials focus on structural efficiency versus structural volume and meet physical requirements with minimalistic design. Nature also finds efficiency in emergence and self- organization. Both concepts, in different ways, illustrate the adage that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A good example of this is how the brain’s compu- tational capability is, in fact, the result of rapid network generation involving neurons, axons, and synapses. One 2 hundred billion neurons interact with each other to transmit information throughout our body, using only about 20-25 watts of energy and processing an exaFLOP— 3 a billion billion—calculations per second. Nature’s concepts of emergence and self-organiza- tion are also being applied to computing and technology. Energy-smart grids, cloud computing, robotics, etc. all use these concepts to some extent to interconnect individual elements and identify patterns to create greater efficiencies. And natural materials can further help society with efficiency. Scientists have already begun exploring the use of DNA for massive amounts of computer storage. A single gram of DNA could back up 215 million gigabytes of data. Three grams of DNA could back up the data capacity of every laptop HP made last year. Today, the most powerful computer on earth uses 2.4 million times more energy than the human brain. But what if we could harness the power and efficiency of the human brain for future computing endeavors? That’s exactly what Koniku, a California-based startup, is trying to do. Koniku is exploring the development of neuron-based computer chips that combine live brain neurons with silicon chips to detect volatile chemicals, explosives, and, possibly one day, illness. BioConvergence, the intersection of biological and computing technologies, is accelerating. Biology is rapidly moving from analog-based, slow-moving science with long exploration and testing cycles to a fast-moving, highly automated science that will increasingly become reliant on computation and massive combinatorial mathematics. 11