HP Innovation Journal Issue 08: Winter 2017 | Page 11

Digital Darwinism is demanding companies change the way they operate faster than they can adapt . In a true test of survival of the “ digital ” fittest , customers must evolve quickly to protect their domain or face disruption .

There is so much change happening around us that we forget how fast things are changing . Over the past few decades , we ’ ve gone from computers that fill an entire room , to computers on our desks , and now , infinitely more powerful computers that fit in our pockets . In fact , the smartphones in our pockets have more compute power than all of NASA 1 had in 1969 to put the first man on the moon .

The rate at which change and innovation happen is growing exponentially , fueled by technology that is becoming cheaper , faster , and more powerful . So how do we prepare for a future of accelerated change impacting every aspect of how we live and work ? How do we lead change versus being led by it ? How do
1 ZME Science
Andrew Bolwell , VP , Chief Disrupter , Global Head of HP Tech Ventures , speaking at the HP Reinvent World Partner Forum 2017 we disrupt and adapt before being disrupted by others ?
At HP , we believe in reinvention . We believe that technology should make life better for everyone , everywhere . It ’ s about putting the human experience at the center of everything we do . And if you ’ re serious about doing that , about creating better experiences for everyone , everywhere , about staying ahead of the change that is accelerating around us , you need to step back and understand the Megatrends that are shaping the world around us .
By Megatrends , we mean the global socioeconomic , demographic , and technological forces that will have a sustained , transformative impact on the world in the years ahead — on businesses , societies , cultures , economies , and on our human experiences .
HP uses Megatrends to think about what the world will look like 10 , 20 , 30 years into the future , which then informs our long-term vision and research agenda in technology areas we believe will be critical in that future . Technology areas such as 3D printing , immersive computing , and artificial intelligence ( AI ).
These Megatrends not only shape our physical and digital worlds , they also transform our experiences as human beings . From how we pay for things to how we learn and stay healthy , Megatrends are impacting nearly every experience we have .
As discussed in previous issues of the Innovation Journal , HP has identified four Megatrends that are shaping our future :
Rapid Urbanization : the massive movement of our global population to cities for the promise of a better life . Resulting in larger cities , more cities and a new breed of consumers in emerging markets .
Changing Demographics : an evolving population landscape made up of a growing aging population and a new generation of digital natives , Generation Z ( Gen Z ). Combined , they will drive a workforce transformation , with new expectations on how work is defined , where it takes place , and how it is done .
Hyper Globalization : an ever-connected , hyper-local world giving rise to new startups who can scale faster than ever before , and making business disruption the new norm .
Boris Balacheff , HP Fellow , Chief Technologist for Security Research and Innovation , speaking at the HP Reinvent World Partner Forum 2017
Accelerated Innovation : where technological breakthroughs happen at lightning-fast speeds , making everything smarter , more accessible , more personalized , and changing what it means to be human .
Reinventing business
Taken together , these Megatrends will impact every aspect of our lives , reinventing markets , industries , and business as we know them . They will transform end-user experiences — where we work , what we do , how we do it , what our offices look like , and how we collaborate with each other .
They will transform businesses and industries . What the new workforce will look like , what they will expect , and how we will manage future workers . What our future customers and markets will need and require of us . Where we should invest , what products we should design , and how and where to build them . How our competitive landscape will change and new business models will be transformed to stay relevant and
Issue 8 · Winter 2017 · Innovation Journal 11