HP Innovation Issue 21: Summer 2022 | Page 78

Clockwise from left : The expedition ship Ocean Victory uses 60 % less energy than other ships ; the Fish Islands are home to thousands of Adélie penguins ; navigating through the ice in Fournier Bay ; a minke whale puts on a show near Neko Harbour ; HP ' s Global Head of Social Impact Michele Malejki , with Swan .
MM : What do you hope the expedition accomplished ? RS : Each expedition has two purposes . One is that all the participants will in 19 years become champions of the future to preserve and protect Antarctica . If you divide the area of Antarctica by the number of people on the planet , we are all responsible for a piece about the size of a football pitch . The other is to give everyone on board the knowledge , skills , and tools to help with sustainability back in their home countries , enforce the use of renewable energy , and prevent further climate warming . With widespread use of renewables , it also won ’ t make financial sense to mine for coal or drill for oil or gas in Antarctica .
MM : Why is it so important to ensure that young people from around the world see Antarctica ? RS : It is crucial to inspire young leaders so they can share this story with other youth or even old people like me . We had 170 people from nearly 40 countries on board our ship , and they ’ re able to support each other when they get home , not just for Antarctica , but for their own projects and their own personal missions .
MM : What should those interested in journeying to Antarctica consider , whether they are a CEO or a politician or a traveler ?
RS : First , they need to make sure their travel is as carbon neutral as possible and follow strict guidelines so physically they don ’ t make any impact on the landscape . Second , support people like us who are trying to protect this extraordinary place . And lastly , use their expedition story to do that — go forth and get the message out to preserve it . Because we need people to know what will be lost if they don ’ t .
MM : As you look ahead to 2041 , what gives you energy and optimism ? RS : When you ’ re a polar explorer like me who goes to the heart of Antarctica , if you don ’ t have hope , you die . It ’ s important
that one has inspiring stories that can engage the broadest number of people possible , not just the C-suite or the people in power . It would be really easy for us to be negative and tell spectacularly bad stories to get people ’ s attention . But we have to be positive and tell hopeful stories . That ’ s one of the reasons that we ’ re going back to the South Pole at the end of this year . We can show people we ’ re following through and using new innovations and technologies like fuel from carbon in the atmosphere . Our expedition is about spreading hope in a world that ’ s rather gloomy right now .