HP Innovation Issue 20: Spring 2022 | Page 38

“ With four generations now working together — including Gen Z and millennial digital natives who are accustomed to getting their point across in online realms — opportunities for communication misfires abound .”
Four generations , one Slack channel Thanks to a confluence of factors — the explosion of social platforms like TikTok and others during the pan demic , a near-overnight shift to remote work , and the entry of Gen Z into the workforce — the Venn diagram overlap of internet-speak and workplace banter has expanded in recent years . With four generations now working together — including Gen Z and millennial digital natives who are accustomed to getting their point across in online realms — opportunities for communication misfires abound .
Teams that once relied on in-person meetings and desk drop-bys have largely transitioned to digital channels like Slack and Microsoft Teams . With a lack of face-to-face meetings , eye contact , and body language , what we type has to do a lot more heavy lifting when it comes to communicating our attitudes , subtext , and office mores . Like that period .
“ The pandemic has pushed the evolution of workplace communications into an accelerated state because companies are not only transforming , they ’ re also transforming how they work ,” says Allison Hemming , CEO of talent agency The Hired Guns . Data backs this up : In a recent survey , Slack found that more than half of IT decision makers said they think email will be replaced as their organization ’ s primary communications tool by 2024 .
A confusing set of unwritten rules It seems each communication platform has its own set of best practices — and faux pas . At work , lost-in-translation snafus are high stakes . Something as seemingly innocuous as a misplaced emoji in an email might result in a miffed client or a meeting with HR .
That meme of a sad-eyed puppy in response to a meeting running late , which may be perfectly appropriate on a team Slack channel where there ’ s a close-knit vibe , might not be as well received by a client via email . “ These new channels can create a new type of friction ,” says Hemming .
And should you be using emojis in an email , anyway ? The jury is divided . For every article that says yes , there ’ s one that disagrees and yet another that opines , “ Only in three specific cases .” ( The least objectionable emoji , according to one study , is the “ thumbs-up .”)
In her book Digital Body Language : How to Build Trust and Connection No Matter the Distance , author and communications expert Erica Dhawan writes , “ Our word choices , response times , video-meeting styles , email

“ With four generations now working together — including Gen Z and millennial digital natives who are accustomed to getting their point across in online realms — opportunities for communication misfires abound .”

sign-offs , and even our email signatures create impressions that can either enhance or wreck our closest relationships in the workplace .”
As the medium evolves , so does the message Seemingly gone are the days of watercooler whispers and passive-aggressive notes on the office fridge . The remote or hybrid office of today is a melting pot of GIFs , emojis , and other forms of digital shorthand . Some hardware is adapting to these shifting trends — a new HP Desktop All-in-One features a keyboard that lets users access the emoji keyboard at the touch of a button .
In many ways , communication shifts have led to new opportunities for employees to show off their personalities and creativity , says Cynthia Gordon , a Georgetown University associate professor who studies digital discourse . “ We all know that coworker who seems to have the perfect GIF for every conversation ,” she says .
Sometimes , having the time to think through a reply — or search for that perfect meme — allows someone who may be shy in person to blossom from behind the screen . But at the same time , navigating the nuances of different digital platforms can be perilous . Unlike nonverbal cues and facial expressions , internet acronyms and emojis aren ’ t intuitive . The human brain has not spent millennia learning how to automatically interpret these signals .
That means there ’ s a lot of room for ambiguity , explains Gordon . “ You might use a smiley face to say , ‘ I ’ m being friendly ,’ or ‘ This is a soft request .’ But it can be interpreted as having a negative motivation ,” she says . Consider the message : “ Can you get me that draft by 3 p . m .? :)” The sender may intend the emoticon as polite , but the recipient may read passive-aggressiveness .
And it ’ s not just the language people use , but also patterns of participation in a conversation that make an impression — like tapping a “ reacji ” in response to something someone posts on Slack .
“ We ’ ve realized the limits of text-based communication , and so we have created other opportunities . We now have things like voice memos and emojis and ‘ likes ,’’’ says Gordon . “ These mechanisms are important — they show we want to be connected , and that we need ways to convey the tone of our message .”
Perceptions and power dynamics Tone and style in digital communications become extra fraught when factors like racial or gender dynamics and corporate hierarchy are part of the equation . For